The Stronger Life Podcast
This podcast will teach you how to be strong, healthy and fit, how to train without pain, and why everyone needs a coach, a plan and a purpose to power their results! Strength is synonymous with success & is the foundation upon which all other positive attributes are built.
The Stronger Life Podcast
Dr. Kyle Gillett - Concerning Health Trends & Full Spectrum Medicine
Our guest this week is Dr. Kyle Gillett.
In today’s conversation, Dr. Gillett and I talk about the concerning health trends he sees in men and women between the ages of 25 and 45 as well as the health trends that those over 50 should be aware of. We talk about the continuum of diet, exercise and pharmaceutical interventions in addressing obesity and the many downstream risk factors associated with excessively high body fat percentages. We also go deep on the topic on infertility - why rates are climbing and what we can do about it.
You can LEARN MORE about Dr. Gillett's work with Marek Health - HERE
Our Partner Today is Stronger In Motion - Whether it's 1:1 Strength Coaching, Nutrition Consultation or our new Enduring Strength Program - we can take take the guess work out of training and nutrition and guide you towards the STRONGEST version of yourself!
Connect with Dr. Gillett - @kylegillettmd
Connect with David - @dr.davidskolnik.dpt
Connect with the Show - @essential.strength.podcast
Action Plan
My biggest takeaway - the the inspiration for your ACTION PLAN this week is this: while there are trends towards higher rates of certain diseases right now, especially metabolic conditions and declining fertility rates - there is also SO MUCH WE CAN DO ABOUT IT! Lifestyle changes, pharmaceutical support, dietary interventions… there is almost no problem that we cannot solve with the right team around us and the necessary tests to identify our personal risk factors.
So, your action plan this week is simply to go check out Marek Health - learn more about what they do and also, if you haven’t seen a doctor in 5 years - make a freakin appointment! If you feel amazing - GREAT - go get some labs done and figure out what your internal environment looks like when you feel awesome - that way in the future you and your medical team will know what to do in the inevitable event that one day you don’t feel so awesome whether because of age, environment, stress or illness. Be an active agent of your own health!
That’s it for this week. Until next time, we wish you STRENGTH and GOOD HEALTH.