The Stronger Life Podcast
This podcast will teach you how to be strong, healthy and fit, how to train without pain, and why everyone needs a coach, a plan and a purpose to power their results! Strength is synonymous with success & is the foundation upon which all other positive attributes are built.
The Stronger Life Podcast
Kenny Santucci - Healing the World Through Fitness
Our Guest this week is Kenny Santucci.
Kenny is the owner of Strong New York and The Strength Club NYC. Kenny has established himself as a top trainer and thought leader in the New York City Fitness Landscape
Our Partner on today's episode is the STRONG Coffee - save 15% with the code ESSENTIAL at checkout!
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Today's Conversation with Kenny is about his vision for Healing the World Through Fitness, his personal reasons for pursuing a strong life, how to get more people physically active and the keys to effectively training the general population client.
Connect with Kevin: @kennysantucci
Connect with David: @dr.davidskolnik.dpt
Connect with the Show: @essential.strength.podcast
Action Plan
This week’s action plan is specifically for the coaches listening to the show. I want each of you to take stock of two key elements of effectively coaching general population clients - First, do you know what your clients specific goals are? Not the goals you think they should have, but the goals they actually want to achieve, their reasons for working with you in the first place! Next are you making Every. Single. Session FUN. Again, not fun for you, but fun for your clients! We’re coaches, we like being in the gym. We think lifting heavy shit is fun. We think learning new exercises is fun. But those aren’t necessarily the elements your clients enjoy the most. So, can you make sure that your clients, the people investing time, money and TRUST into you, are having fun every single time they work with you. Prioritize those two elements, plus two more that Kenny will outline later in the conversation, and your training business will CRUSH IT.
What's Next - Make sure you tune in next week for out episode with Roman Rodriguez and a conversation about the soft skills every coach needs, the importance of competition even when you don’t always win, and Roman’s vision for a democratized fitness education marketplace.
Until next time - we wish you Strength and Good Health.